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International Brief: G-8 Science Academies Address Global Need for Science Education

June 14, 2011 Vol. 4, Issue 4   In advance of the Group of Eight (G-8) summit in Deauville, France, the science academies of the G-8 and five other nations released a statement recommending that their governments take action to improve science education.

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Academy Bookshelf: Industrial Megaprojects

June 14, 2011 Vol. 4, Issue 4   Most megaproject failures “stem from a basic lack of being able to pursue a common goal with clarity and good behavior,” according to Edward Merrow, author of Industrial Megaprojects.

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Surveyor 1's shadow against the lunar surface. Credit: NASA/JPL
This Month in NASA History: Surveyor 1 Lands Softly

June 14, 2011 Vol. 4, Issue 4   Forty-five years ago this month, scientists let out a sigh of relief when Surveyor 1 didn’t sink into the moon’s dusty surface.

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The NASA Academy’s iTunes U page on an iPad.
Academy Introduces iTunes U Site

June 14, 2011 Vol. 4, Issue 4   The Academy now offers learning materials on iTunes University that are accessible whether youre on the road or in the classroom.

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Ares 1-X Knowledge Share Wiki poster.
Knowledge Brief: Ares I-X Knowledge Capture and Transfer

June 14, 2011 Vol. 4, Issue 4     The Exploration Systems Mission Directorate’s Ares I-X knowledge capture initiative represents a comprehensive effort to optimize learning from a complex project.

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Philip Harris in the Mission Control Center at Johnson Space Center.
Young Professionals Brief: Philip Harris

June 14, 2011 Vol. 4, Issue 4   Two weeks on the job, Philip Harris walked into an office looking for something to do and walked out a project manager.

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Illustration of the snatch pickup, from 1944 U.S. Army Air Forces manual. Image Credit: Central Intelligence Agency.
Government Brief: Extraordinary Lessons

June 14, 2011 Vol. 4, Issue 4   Shot down, tied up, and imprisoned somewhere in China, two CIA operatives were told by their captors, “Your future is very dark.”

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A close-up camera view shows Space Shuttle Columbia as it lifts off from Launch Pad 39A on mission STS-107.
Policy Brief: U.S. Space Policy through the Looking Glass

June 14, 2011 Vol. 4, Issue 4   Space policy remains a moving target in the post-Cold War era, according to space policy representatives from six presidential administrations spanning 35 years.

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Message from the Academy Director: Learning from Others in the Project World

June 14, 2011 Vol. 4, Issue 4   A common refrain from very experienced practitioners at NASA is, “You’re never as smart as you think you are.” NASA’s mission has always enabled the agency to attract a highly talented workforce. We have world-class experts in any number of technical disciplines, and many at NASA have […]

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