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Explore some of the Critical Knowledge NASA has gathered during decades at the forefront of space exploration and aeronautics research—knowledge so valuable that the agency maintains it for the benefit of future generations of the technical workforce.


This is an image showing the United Launch Alliance Atlas V payload fairings as they are secured around NOAA’s Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-T (GOES-T) inside the Astrotech Space Operations facility in Titusville, Florida, on Feb. 7, 2022. Credit: NASA/Ben Smegelsky

INSIGHT Publication

A monthly publication of INSIGHT is released by NASA’s APPEL Knowledge Services. INSIGHT features articles and videos on topics such as NASA project milestones, engineering accomplishments, project management (PM) activities, and knowledge management efforts.



Knowledge Capture and Transfer

This page provides resources to help NASA leaders and teams take steps to build a culture that connects employees to knowledge when they join a team and that retains the critical knowledge held by experienced personnel in advance of retirement or other transitions.

Click here to learn more about NASA Knowledge Capture and Transfer.


NASA Knowledge Community

The NASA knowledge community is a vibrant group of practitioners who actively facilitate knowledge capture, storage, reuse and sharing across the agency. NASA’s knowledge community includes mission directorate, center and organizational Chief Knowledge Officers (CKO), Points of Contact (POC) and Knowledge Services Leads.

Click here to learn more about NASA Knowledge Community.


NASA Knowledge Management Competencies

This list of knowledge management competencies provides a descriptive approach to help promote understanding and awareness of the services, value, and opportunities afforded by the CKO community, and to provide a common language among CKOs and stakeholders to support NASA’s mission.

Click here to learn more about NASA Knowledge Management Competencies.


Knowledge Sharing Tools

Find the tools, resources and information you need to drive you and your team to more effectively collect and share knowledge.

Click here to learn more about Knowledge Sharing Tools.



Apollo Era Resources

The Apollo Era stands as a towering achievement in science, engineering, and space exploration. Browse this collection of valuable resources APPEL KS has assembled to help researchers, facilitators, and the technical workforce learn from Apollo’s rich history.

Click here to view Apollo
era resources.

Shuttle Era Resources

NASA’s Space Shuttle Era opened Low Earth Orbit to extended human presence, with 135 missions over 30 years. The lessons from this era live on aboard the International Space Station and in NASA’s drive to establish a long-term presence at the Moon.

Click here to view Shuttle
era resources.



Case Studies

Case studies illustrate the decisions and challenges managers face every day, and serve as an effective learning tool for project management.

Click here to view all case studies.


Federal Knowledge Community Membership Information

The FKMC is a vibrant volunteer organization of over 300 members from more than 40 U.S. government agencies.

Click here to learn more.



Browse APPEL KS publications, such as INSIGHT and ASK Magazine, as well as popular features such as My Best Mistake, Critical Knowledge inSight, and Knowledge Community Corner.

Click here to learn view all publications.