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  • To register for APPEL courses, NASA civil servants and contractors must follow the SATERN self-registration process. 
  • Once registration is submitted, it will move through the SATERN approval process, where it must be approved by the employee’s supervisor, training coordinator, and Center APPEL POC. 
  • Three weeks prior to the course, approved civil servants will be enrolled in the course by the APPEL Training and Support Office and will receive a Microsoft Outlook calendar invite with course information. Contractors with appropriate approvals will be waitlisted.
  • Once the SATERN registration cut-off date has passed, remaining civil servants and contractors will be enrolled by the APPEL Training and Support Office if seats are available. 
  • Registered employees will continue to receive course related information from the APPEL Training and Support Office until the course has completed. 


Course Registration Process

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Graphic showing 8 steps. Step 1 Employee registers for course in SATERN. Step 2 Supervisor approves registration in SATERN. Step 3 Training coordinator approves registration in SATERN. Step 4 Center APPEL POC approves registration in SATERN. Step 5 Civil servants are enrolled in SATERN and course info calendar invite is sent. Step 6 SATERN registration cut-off date passes (registration closes). Step 7 Remaining civil servants & contractors enrolled & course info calendar invite is sent. Step 8 Employee attends course & completes evaluation.