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Critical Knowledge Insight Featured Image December 6
Critical Knowledge inSight: The Importance of Hands-on Work

Doing hands-on work provides people direct experiences with components, objects and circumstances to encourage personal understanding of a specific subject matter.

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Featured Image
Critical Knowledge inSight: Lessons Learned from the X-31 Program

The X-31 was an international flight research program that involved collaboration from NASA, U.S. Air Force, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, U.S. Navy, Deutsche Aerospace, German Federal Ministry of Defense, and Rockwell International during the late 1980s and early 1990s.

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Critical Knowledge inSight: Knowledge Transfer Featured Image of Brian Anderson
Critical Knowledge inSight: Knowledge Transfer

Knowledge is an important product that comes out of all of NASA’s project work.

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Critical Knowledge inSight: Health and Medical Technical Authority

NASA developed and instituted an independent technical authority process after the Space Shuttle Columbia accident occurred. The technical authority model is designed to develop policy and procedural requirements and standards for program and project management when applicable and appropriate.

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Critical Knowledge Insight August 2018
Critical Knowledge inSight: Sharing Knowledge

At NASA, sharing knowledge between practitioners is a key activity that enables mission success.

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Therese Griebel, Director of Aeronautics, and Dr. Aaron Weaver, Orion Program Integration Lead, both at NASA Glenn Research Center, discussed their mentor and mentee relationship in the Masters with Masters 29 video.
Critical Knowledge inSight: Mentoring Relationship

Mentoring can be defined as a process where someone with experience or knowledge teaches or gives advice to a less experienced and often younger person.

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Jim Nicholson
Critical Knowledge inSight: Importance of Rehearsals and Simulations

Rehearsals and simulations can help to develop experience for a team preparing to support a launch.

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Mark Geyer Photo Credit: NASA
Critical Knowledge inSight: Complexity in International Partnerships

NASA has learned many lessons about working with international partners during the International Space Station (ISS) Program.

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Critical Knowledge Insight
Critical Knowledge inSight: Risk and Innovation Balance for Mission Success

At NASA, balancing the need to innovate to meet project requirements with the amount of risk you are able to tolerate is always an important consideration for leaders.

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