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ASK OCE — February 23, 2007 — Vol. 2, Issue 2


The Academy of Program/Project & Engineering Leadership (APPEL) will hold Masters Forum 14 on April 10-12, 2007 in Virginia Beach, VA.

The Masters Forum will bring together some of the “best of the best” program/project managers and engineers from NASA, private industry, and other government agencies to share best practices in project management and lessons learned in tackling engineering challenges.

Center Directors and the Engineering Management Board are invited to nominate exceptional practitioners who are:

  • Experienced at driving a project toward success and are seen by their peers as innovative thinkers, or
  • Up-and-coming program/project managers and engineers eager to learn from the larger project management and engineering communities.

Nominees should be available to participate for the entire three-day event in April 2006 and willing to share and reflect upon project management and engineering best practices and lessons learned. They should also demonstrate the capability to build cross-center relationships in support of NASA mission success. Finally, nominees should be considered veterans or emerging leaders in the project management and engineering disciplines.

In addition to participant nominations, suggestions for guest speakers are welcome.

Nominations for practitioners, suggestions for speakers, and requests for additional information should be forwarded to APPEL Knowledge Sharing Project Manager Tina Chindgren.


In This Issue

Message from the Chief Engineer

NASA on the Hill: Marburger Testifies on R&D Budget

This Week in NASA History: Discoverer 1

PM Challenge Executive Leadership Roundup

What’s Ahead for Project Management: A Roundtable Discussion with PMI

22nd Annual George M. Low Awards: Presented at PM Challenge 2007

Integrating Risk and Knowledge Management in ESMD

Hugh Woodward on Surprising Keys to Project Success

What’s the Situation?

Let’s Talk Risk Management

APPEL Masters Forum: Call for Nominees and Speakers

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