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NASA has a new knowledge policy for programs and projects.

Effective November 26, 2013, NASA’s Office of the Chief Engineer (OCE) released NASA Policy Directive (NPD) 7120.6, Knowledge Policy on Programs and Projects. This policy builds on the agency’s approach to knowledge management, which started in 2012 with the identification of an agency-wide Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO), Dr. Ed Hoffman, as well as CKOs at each center, mission directorate, and cross-agency support organization.

The policy establishes that knowledge at NASA is governed on a federated basis, meaning that each center and mission directorate determines the approach that best meets its needs, with the understanding that knowledge applicable to all NASA missions and centers will be shared to the extent possible across the agency. It also identifies six categories of existing knowledge activities, which include: online tools; search, tag, and taxonomy tools; case studies and publications; lessons learned and knowledge processes; knowledge networks; and face-to-face knowledge services. (The existing activities in these six categories can be viewed in NASA’s knowledge map.)

This knowledge policy replaces NASA Procedural Requirements (NPR) 7120.6 NASA Lessons Learned Process, which focused solely on lessons learned.

To learn more about the agency’s knowledge initiative, visit the NASA Chief Knowledge Officer website.

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