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At APPEL, Expanded Supplemental Resources Increase Learning Opportunities

The Academy recently introduced new resources to help practitioners maximize their learning opportunities before and after attending APPEL courses.

Instructor-led training is at the heart of APPEL’s world-class curriculum. The Academy’s courses are developed using project management and systems engineering competency models along with guidance from recognized subject matter experts. As a result, the courses are highly relevant and interactive, featuring NASA case studies and lessons learned to ensure the material is pertinent and engaging. Nonetheless, APPEL recognizes that learning doesn’t start and stop in the classroom.

To expand opportunities for learning, the Academy revised and significantly expanded the Supplemental Resources section for each course in the APPEL Catalog. The expanded supplemental resources enhance the training experience by providing easy access to learning materials that augment the course subject matter in different ways. Practitioners are encouraged to explore the resources—which can be accessed on demand—as a means of extending the learning experience both before and after attending a course. Before the course, practitioners can use the resources to frame their learning expectations and prepare themselves for the immersive classroom experience. After the course, practitioners can reinforce what they learned and deepen their understanding of the subject by reviewing relevant materials as needed. At any time, the resources serve as valuable tools for course participants.

Each course in the APPEL Catalog has a Supplemental Resources section that contains an individualized set of materials carefully selected to support and reinforce the learning objectives of that course. These supplemental resources include APPEL Libraries within both the NASA Galaxie Library and Books 24×7, Skillsoft courses, and other course-specific items such as online books or websites. Practitioners can also access the complete NASA Galaxie Library and Books 24×7 collections. By compiling these resources, APPEL has ensured that hundreds of web-based courses, books, articles, videos, and other pertinent materials are just a click away. Access to these resources is generally limited to NASA.

APPEL worked with its partners in the NASA Galaxie Library group, at Skillsoft, and elsewhere to develop and implement the resources available to practitioners. Recently, the Academy partnered with the Quiet Learning Institute to introduce a new resource: Quiet Learning 101. This online course serves as a supplemental resource to all of APPEL’s Communication and Leadership courses, including Quiet Project Management. Leveraging a mix of video, animations, and reflections, the 12-module course supports the development of practitioners at all levels by helping them determine whether they are introverts or extroverts, leverage their own unique abilities, and work more effectively with teammates of various personality types.

To learn more about the supplemental resources available for each course, NASA practitioners are encouraged to visit the APPEL Catalog today.

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