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International Cooperation at NASA (Marc Allen)

Marc Allen is the director for strategic and international planning within NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. His principal responsibilities include international cooperation, strategic-planning coordination, and oversight of the Directorate’s relationship with the National Research Council. He coordinates Directorate plans and policies and represents them to key external groups, including the research community and foreign partners.

Throughout NASA’s history, international collaboration has played an important role in both its science and human spaceflight programs. This collaboration has become the new norm in space, as more than sixty international space agencies increasingly work together in a broad range of space-related activities. Nearly two-thirds of NASA’s space-science missions now involve international collaboration on many levels. Increased international collaboration in space is expected to continue in coming years and is well aligned with administration space policy. Tightening budget constraints are increasing the importance of collaboration even as they introduce new challenges. This session will consider these trends and how they affect project management.

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