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In more than 60 years of space exploration and aeronautics research, NASA has gathered an impressive collection of knowledge, from the pinnacle of success to the depth of catastrophic failure. Some of this knowledge is highly specific and technical, behind NASA firewalls. Other information is general and could benefit any NASA project team.

All of this knowledge, however, can help the technical workforce answer questions, avoid pitfalls and achieve mission success as NASA charts a bold course from the Moon to Mars and works to advance aeronautics on Earth.

The next decades at NASA promise to be filled with towering achievements, as we plan for an extended human presence on the Moon, a Lunar Gateway in orbit there, and future crewed missions to Mars. NASA APPEL Knowledge Services developed this Knowledge Inventory to aid program and project managers and the technical workforce achieve mission success.

This new Knowledge Inventory makes knowledge capture and lessons learned highly visible and easily accessible, directing searchers to case studies about engineering and management challenges, lessons learned databases, key NASA policies and standards, knowledge sharing tools, contact information for chief knowledge officers at every center, new hires in key positions and more.

Enter a search term, such as satellite, and the Knowledge Inventory will return a broad range of information on that topic, and point to other resources and contacts at NASA centers. Filters can narrow the results by category, content type and center. Quick links enable sharing of knowledge resources with NASA colleagues.

I encourage you to visit this new Knowledge Inventory developed by APPEL KS. If you know of an important resource that isn’t in the Knowledge Inventory, please let us know, so that we can continue to improve this resource. Bookmark the page and return to it often as your projects and careers advance. I am confident you will find valuable information there, again and again, that will enable you to learn from the past to succeed in the future.

Tiffany Smith
NASA Chief Knowledge Officer and APPEL Knowledge Services Director


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