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NASA Scientists Honored

ASK OCE — May 29, 2007 — Vol. 2, Issue 3   Two NASA scientists, Edward C. Stone and Emmett Chappelle, have been recognized for their outstanding lifetime achievements.

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Message from the Chief Engineer: Introducing NPRs 7120.5 and 7123.1

ASK OCE — May 29, 2007 — Vol. 2, Issue 3   By Chris Scolese   Two new NASA Procedural Requirements (NPR) documents developed by the Office of the Chief Engineer establish common Agency-wide requirements for project management and systems engineering. NASA Space Flight Program and Project Management Requirements (NPR 7120.5D) defines project management requirements […]

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NASA On the Hill: Transition to Next Generation Human Spaceflight System

ASK OCE — May 29, 2007 — Vol. 2, Issue 3   The Senate Subcommittee on Space, Aeronautics, and Related Sciences held hearings on March 28, 2007, on NASA’s transition from the Space Shuttle to the Constellation program.

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This Week in NASA History: JFK’s Moon Challenge

ASK OCE — May 29, 2007 — Vol. 2, Issue 3     On May 25, 1961, President John F. Kennedy stood before a joint session of Congress and issued a bold challenge: to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade.

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The United States Standards Strategy

ASK OCE — June 21, 2007 — Vol. 2, Issue 4   When the question arises as to whether a system of international standards is important, the United States Standards Strategy (USSS) has a clear answer: voluntary consensus standards are nothing less than the cornerstone of the 21st century global economy.

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Enhancing Standards at DoD: The Defense Standardization Program

ASK OCE — June 21, 2007 — Vol. 2, Issue 4   The need for unified technical and manufacturing standards goes far beyond economic efficiency, ease of use, and interoperability.

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Ames Partnership to Develop Machine-to-Machine Intelligence System

ASK OCE — June 21, 2007 — Vol. 2, Issue 4 A satellite that can repair itself in low-Earth orbit. Intelligent machines and systems that can “mind meld” with one another.

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A View from the Outside: South Korea Nears Completion of First Space Center

ASK OCE — June 21, 2007 — Vol. 2, Issue 4   The Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) is nearing the completion of the Naro Space Center.

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Archimedes Archive: The History of U.S. Engineering Standards

ASK OCE — June 21, 2007 — Vol. 2, Issue 4   The movement to unify and strengthen U.S. standards is hardly new a voluntary standards system has been in existence for nearly ninety years.

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