By W. Scott Cameron I recently took on a new assignment and, as is my norm, I scheduled a series of one-hour, 1:1 join-up meetings with the various lead personnel on the team and their hierarchy.
W. Scott Cameron
By W. Scott Cameron Presently, I am in the process of adding and subtracting Project Management responsibilities to and from my current assignment, and I am developing strategies to execute these changes.
By W. Scott Cameron In Part 1 of this article, I asked you to think of the Project Manager’s (PM’s) job in terms of an hourglass.
By W. Scott Cameron Over the last eight years I have had the privilege of mentoring over 20 Project Managers (PMs). Since then, I have found myself thinking of the PM’s job in terms of an hourglass.
By W. Scott Cameron I am blessed to be the father of nine-year-old triplet daughters. As you might imagine, there are unique aspects to this blessing.

By W. Scott Cameron 1. A Time to Whine As I mentor/coach Project Managers (PMs) and others, I have established a 10-minute maximum whining limit for our meetings.

It’s amazing how the things you learn growing up stick with you. Take my introduction early in life with mentoring. I was introduced to this concept in a 1970s Saturday morning television show called “Shazam.”