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The SLS’s RS-25 engine undergoes a 500-second test fire at Stennis Space Center. Photo Credit: NASA
A Built-In Heritage of Successful Human Spaceflight

The Space Launch System (SLS), NASA’s powerful new heavy lift launch vehicle, incorporates elements from some of the agency’s most successful past programs.

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The largest part of the James Webb Space Telescope observatory is the Sunshield, which is roughly the length of a tennis court. It protects the telescope’s sensitive infrared instruments, which require extremely cold temperatures to function. Photo Credit: NASA/Chris Gunn
Government Brief: GAO Reviews the James Webb Space Telescope

With less than four years until launch, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) advises further cost risk analysis for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).

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An antenna at the end of the 200-foot mast extending from the Endeavour facilitated 24-hour mapping of the globe. The mast was the longest rigid structure ever deployed from the shuttle. Photo Credit: NASA
This Month in NASA History: The Space Shuttle Mapped the World

Fifteen years ago this month, Endeavour (STS-99) overcame launch delays and on-orbit challenges to capture Earth’s topography in unprecedented detail.

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NASA astronaut Robert L. Curbeam Jr. and European Space Agency astronaut Christer Fuglesang participate in an extravehicular activity (EVA) on the ISS. Photo Credit: NASA
Examining the Benefits of Commercial Crew Transport in Low Earth Orbit

Affordability, flexibility, and expansion into deep space: NASA’s Commercial Crew Program is poised to support the agency in multiple ways.

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This artist rendering shows an aerial view of the liftoff of the 70-metric-ton (77-ton) lift capacity configuration SLS from the launchpad. The first flight test of NASA's new rocket is scheduled for 2017. Image Credit: NASA/MSFC
Building A Strong Future in Space and on Earth

In his State of NASA speech on February 2, 2015, NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden shared his excitement about the robust future of the agency.

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Rocket University 2014 Highlights
Rocket University 2014 Highlights

See what Rocket University (RU) is all about! Read Kennedy Space Center’s RU newsletter for highlights of their 2014 hands-on development activities.

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Technicians inspect the primary mirror of the Hubble Space Telescope, one of the case studies noted in Seven Axioms of Good Engineering: Development of a Case Study-Based Course for NASA. Photo Credit: NASA
Exploring the Role of Case Study-Based Learning at NASA

The Academy announces a new case study resource: Seven Axioms of Good Engineering: Development of a Case Study-Based Course for NASA.

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Mikhail Kornienko (left) and Scott Kelly (right) with Russian cosmonaut Gennady Padalka. Padalka will join Kelly and Kornienko for the first six months of their mission. Photo credit: NASA/James Blair
A Novel Mission Propels NASA Farther Along the Journey To Mars

NASA’s commitment to manned deep space exploration continues with an extended mission to learn more about the long-term effects of microgravity on the human body. 

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Images of Titan taken by Huygens at different altitudes as the probe descended toward the moon’s surface. Photo Credit: ESA/NASA/JPL/University of Arizona
This Month in NASA History: Clear Communication Revealed a Hidden World

Ten years ago this month, the Huygens probe landed on Titan. But the multi-national mission was almost derailed by a language barrier—between machines.

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