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Research Brief: Team Knowledge and Pressure

July 30, 2009 Vol. 2, Issue 7   Performance pressure can be a critical barrier to a team’s effective use of knowledge, according to a working paper by Heidi K. Gardner of Harvard Business School.

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Research Brief: Teamwork among Mission Controllers and International Crews

July 30, 2009 Vol. 2, Issue 7   Cultural differences in work pressure levels and aggression between Russian and American crewmembers and mission controllers can affect team performance on long-duration space missions, according to a new joint study by the University of California / San Francisco and the Institute for Biomedical Problems in Moscow.

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Academy Presentation — The Project Academy: Re-Energizing Project Management

July 30, 2009 Vol. 2, Issue 7   Academy Director Dr. Ed Hoffman spoke at the 23rd IPMA (International Project Management Association) World Congress in Helsinki, Finland on June 16, 2009 about the role of a project academy in an organization dedicated to complex projects.

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Leadership Bookshelf: How NASA Builds Teams

July 30, 2009 Vol. 2, Issue 7   A new book offers an in-depth look at the team-building support sponsored by the Academy.

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NASA on the Hill: Enhancing the Relevance of Space

July 30, 2009 Vol. 2, Issue 7   Communication is essential to enhance the relevance of space to address national needs and to convey its importance to the public, witnesses told the House Committee on Science and Technologys Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics on July 16, 2009.

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Message from the Academy Director: Project Management and Project Leadership

June 30, 2009 Vol. 2, Issue 6   The dynamics of complex projects and the changing nature of work demand skills beyond traditional project management — they call for project leadership.

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Academy Case Study — Building the Team: The Ares I-X Upper Stage Simulator

May 29, 2009 Vol. 2, Issue 5   The opportunity to build a new launch vehicle that can loft humans into space does not come along often.

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This Month in NASA History: First Flight of the X-15 Rocket

June 30, 2009 Vol. 2, Issue 6   On June 8, 1959, a B-52 released the X-15 rocket on its first unpowered glide flight piloted by Scott Crossfield.

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View from the Outside: JAXA’s Kaguya Probe Slams into Moon

June 30, 2009 Vol. 2, Issue 6   On Wednesday June 10, 2009, JAXA’s three-ton lunar probe, Kaguya, or SELENE (SELenological and ENgineering Explorer), ended its mission as it intentionally slammed into the near-side of the moon.

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