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Message from the Academy Director: The Four As of Expertise

June 27, 2008 Vol. 1, Issue 5   When it comes to specialized expertise, NASA is an embarrassment of riches.

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Message from the Academy Director: What We Can Learn from the GAO High-Risk Series

May 6, 2008 Vol. 1, Issue 4   What, you might ask, is the GAO High-Risk Series?

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Leadership Corner: Noel Tichy on Leaders Teaching Leaders

May 6, 2008 Vol. 1, Issue 4   What is the secret to a successful organization? Noel Tichy, an expert in leadership development, says it’s simple: leaders teaching leaders.

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This Month in NASA History: GALEX

May 6, 2008 Vol. 1, Issue 4   Five years ago this month, NASA set out to explore the history of galaxies and stars with the launch of the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX).

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Tool Tip: The NASA Engineering Network

May 6, 2008 Vol. 1, Issue 4   Do you ever wish for a one-stop NASA shop where you can find guidance documents, ask questions, connect with colleagues across the agency, and track down an expert when you need one? If your answer is yes to any of the above, it is time to check […]

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Government Brief: GAO Raises Questions about Constellation

May 6, 2008 Vol. 1, Issue 4   A recent Government Accountability Office (GAO) report questions whether enough is known about the performance requirements for the Ares I Crew Launch Vehicle and the Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle for those vehicles to meet their proposed cost and schedule goals.

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Academy Brief: The Core Curriculum

May 6, 2008 Vol. 1, Issue 4   Whether you’re a seasoned project manager or a recent college graduate, the Academy’s core curriculum offers a common baseline of skills and knowledge for your career level.

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Message from the Academy Director: A Mission-Focused Workforce

January 9, 2008 Vol. 1, Issue 1   When President Bush committed to a new direction in space with the Vision for Space Exploration in 2004, his directive gave all of us a challenge bold enough to last a lifetime. Indeed, it is a challenge to last several generations.

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This Month in NASA History: 10th Anniversary of Lunar Prospector

January 9, 2008 Vol. 1, Issue 1   Lunar Prospector was launched on January 6, 1998 to examine the origins and evolution of the moon and determine whether or not water ice is present in its polar regions.

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