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Project Management Institute Holds Government Forum

July 17, 2008 Vol. 1, Issue 6   Government agencies face intense competition from private industry and developing nations in the global war for project management talent, according to Project Management Institute CEO Greg Balestrero.

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This Month in NASA History: Ranger 7

July 17, 2008 Vol. 1 Issue 6   On July 28, 1964, Ranger 7 was launched from Cape Canaveral.

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Message from the Academy Director: Talent Management 101

July 17, 2008 Vol. 1, Issue 6   There has been a lot of talk over the past decade about talent management. What does it mean? What are its implications for a project-based organization like NASA?

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NASA on the Hill: Administrator Testifies on Shuttle Workforce Transition

July 17, 2008 Vol. 1 Issue 6   NASA Administrator Dr. Michael Griffin told a Senate Subcommittee that extending Space Shuttle operations beyond FY 2010 would have “serious budgetary and schedule repercussions for the Constellation program.”

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Message from the Academy Director: How We Learn

April 3, 2008 Vol. 1, Issue 3   We asked roughly seventy senior practitioners who attended the Academys April 2007 Masters Forum to answer the question, “How do you learn to do your job?” Their answers provided a wealth of insight about learning at NASA.

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The World Wide Telescope

May 6, 2008 Vol. 1, Issue 4   Microsoft Corporation is scheduled to debut the World Wide Telescope, a free web-based program that promises users comprehensive, seamless pans amidst all the latest captured astronomical imagery from across the globe and sky.

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This Month in NASA History: STS-76

April 3, 2008 Vol. 1, Issue 3   On March 24, 1996, during Atlantis shuttle mission STS-76, astronaut Shannon W. Lucid boarded Russian space station Mir for a five-month stay, marking her place in history as the first U.S. woman to fly aboard the space station.

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NASA on the Hill: Administrator Griffin Testifies on FY 2009 Budget

April 3, 2008 Vol 1, Issue 3   NASA Administrator Dr. Michael Griffin told a House subcommittee that the President’s FY 2009 budget request for NASA represents a substantial step forward in responding to the recommendations of the National Research Councils first decadal survey of Earth Science.

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Five Questions: Former NASA Administrator Dr. Robert A. Frosch

April 3, 2008 Vol. 1, Issue 3   ASK the Academy posed five questions to former NASA Administrator Dr. Robert A. Frosch.

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