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Masters with Masters 9 featured NASA Associate Administrator for Space Operations Bill Gerstenmaier and JAXA Executive Director for Human Space Systems and Utilization Kuniaki Shiraki at NASA Headquarters on July 11, 2011.
Masters with Masters Features Human Spaceflight Leaders of NASA and JAXA

July 20, 2011 Vol. 4, Issue 5   The International Space Station has taught us what it really means to engage in international collaboration, according to Bill Gerstenmaier and Dr. Kuniaki Shiraki.

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Space shuttle Atlantis is seen over the Bahamas prior to a perfect docking with the International Space Station at 10:07 a.m. (CDT). Part of a Russian Progress spacecraft which is docked to the station is in the foreground.
Message from the Academy Director: Learning in a Time of Transition

July 20, 2011 Vol. 4, Issue 5   As we adjust to life after the space shuttle, we face new learning challenges for new missions.

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Surveyor 1's shadow against the lunar surface. Credit: NASA/JPL
This Month in NASA History: Surveyor 1 Lands Softly

June 14, 2011 Vol. 4, Issue 4   Forty-five years ago this month, scientists let out a sigh of relief when Surveyor 1 didn’t sink into the moon’s dusty surface.

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Academy Bookshelf: Industrial Megaprojects

June 14, 2011 Vol. 4, Issue 4   Most megaproject failures “stem from a basic lack of being able to pursue a common goal with clarity and good behavior,” according to Edward Merrow, author of Industrial Megaprojects.

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International Brief: G-8 Science Academies Address Global Need for Science Education

June 14, 2011 Vol. 4, Issue 4   In advance of the Group of Eight (G-8) summit in Deauville, France, the science academies of the G-8 and five other nations released a statement recommending that their governments take action to improve science education.

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Ares 1-X Knowledge Share Wiki poster.
Knowledge Brief: Ares I-X Knowledge Capture and Transfer

June 14, 2011 Vol. 4, Issue 4     The Exploration Systems Mission Directorate’s Ares I-X knowledge capture initiative represents a comprehensive effort to optimize learning from a complex project.

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The NASA Academy’s iTunes U page on an iPad.
Academy Introduces iTunes U Site

June 14, 2011 Vol. 4, Issue 4   The Academy now offers learning materials on iTunes University that are accessible whether youre on the road or in the classroom.

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Philip Harris in the Mission Control Center at Johnson Space Center.
Young Professionals Brief: Philip Harris

June 14, 2011 Vol. 4, Issue 4   Two weeks on the job, Philip Harris walked into an office looking for something to do and walked out a project manager.

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Illustration of the snatch pickup, from 1944 U.S. Army Air Forces manual. Image Credit: Central Intelligence Agency.
Government Brief: Extraordinary Lessons

June 14, 2011 Vol. 4, Issue 4   Shot down, tied up, and imprisoned somewhere in China, two CIA operatives were told by their captors, “Your future is very dark.”

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