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This is one of a series of nighttime images photographed by one of the Expedition 29 crew members from the International Space Station. It features Central and Eastern Europe, extending from the Netherlands to Hungary and Italy to northern Poland. Overall, the view includes the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Poland, and Hungary. When the photo was taken on Oct 2, 2011, the station was over Corsica at 43.18 degrees north latitude and 9.95 degrees east longitude.
#ConnectedGov: Engaging Stakeholders in the Digital Age

Vol. 6, Issue 1 Digital platforms are enabling government agencies to do more with less, according to a recent report by the Partnership for Public Service.

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2012 APPEL Annual Report and Year in Knowledge
Academy Brief: Annual Publications Released

Vol. 6, Issue 1 The 2012 Year in Knowledge anthology and Annual Report are available.

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This is an artist's concept of a blended wing body aircraft that could become a prototype by the year 2020.
CKO Corner: ARMD’s Susan Minor

Vol. 6, Issue 1 Susan Minor shares her insights about knowledge management practices within the Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate.

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Through a cloud-washed blue sky above Launch Pad 39A, Space Shuttle Columbia hurtles toward space on mission STS-107. Following the countdown, liftoff occurred on-time at 10:39 EST. Experiments in the SPACEHAB module ranged from material sciences to life sciences.
Message from the Director: To Be Better and Do Better

Vol. 6, Issue 1 The loss of the crew of STS-107 aboard Space Shuttle Columbia on February 1, 2003 marked a turning point for NASA.

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