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Fixing Troubled Projects

February 26, 2010 Vol. 3, Issue 2   Getting a project into trouble is easy. Getting a project out of it requires smart, honest, and open management.

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Project Leadership in Action

February 26, 2010 Vol. 3, Issue 2   Experienced project leaders understand the importance of bringing together the right people and being adaptable to change, according to four expert practitioners from NASA and industry.

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Message from the Academy Director: Trends in Project Management

February 26, 2010 Vol. 3, Issue 2   Five trends are reshaping the practice of project management.

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PM Challenge Leadership Roundup

February 26, 2010 Vol. 3, Issue 2   “We are about risk and innovation and taking chances,” NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden told a packed auditorium at PM Challenge 2010.

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This Month in NASA History: Discovery’s Dance with Mir

February 26, 2010 Vol. 3, Issue 2   Fifteen years ago, Discovery embarked upon the second mission of the U.S.-Russian Shuttle-Mir Program, performing a memorable rendezvous about Mir.

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Research Brief: Innovation Imbalance

December 24, 2009 Vol. 2, Issue 12   Trends in technology are shifting the landscape for innovation, according to scholars from Harvard and MIT.

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The Greening of Orbital Debris

December 24, 2009 Vol. 2, Issue 12   By Nicholas L. Johnson   Like most technological advancements, the space age has left a sea of refuse in its wake.

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Cracked on Impact: The Secrets of Tooth Enamel

December 24, 2009 Vol. 2, Issue 12   The next wave of aircraft structural composites may be inspired by the resilient structure of mammalian tooth enamel.

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The Next Big Thing is Small

December 24, 2009 Vol. 2, Issue 12   Satellites that can fit in a backpack are shrinking technology, reframing satellite science, and providing valuable mission training and experience to the next generation of engineers.

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