By Dr. Michelle Collins Lessons from Leonardo and Company At a recent meeting of NASA Project Managers (PMs), I noticed a striking similarity between an exercise in project management and what I had learned in a drawing class only a few days earlier.
By Silvano Colombano The PI Comes Calling Projects often have many goals. Some are stated explicitly, some aren’t. You would like for all the goals to be in alignment right from the start, but sometimes it takes time for the different customers to work together to make that happen.
By Dougal Maclise After I graduated from college, I worked for two years with the Portland Public Schools as an equipment designer for handicapped children.
By James Barrowman Deputized I’m not sure I knew what I was getting myself into, but it seemed like a reasonable way to deal with the pressures our program was under.
By Charlie Stegemoeller Have you ever walked into work one day thinking that you had a situation well in hand, only to be met with something far beyond your wildest imagination?