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Introduction to NASA Spectrum Management for Mission Planners and Project Managers (HQ-SM101A)


  • APPEL On-Demand & Partnership Learning Opportunities
    APPEL On-Demand & Partnership Learning Opportunities

This training is intended for leadership and personnel of NASA programs and missions to emphasize how spectrum management is vital to achieving their objectives. The training will:

  • Define RF spectrum management and its importance,
  • Provide an overview of the certification of spectrum support and frequency assignment process for space and major terrestrial missions, and
  • Highlight key takeaways pertaining to spectrum access for user missions

The target audience for the HQ-SM101A training are Spectrum Users, which include leadership and personnel from any NASA missions, programs, or projects at all Centers and JPL that require access the radio frequency spectrum for their communications, navigation, or science data collection needs.

Related Resource

 Spectrum Overview (Publicly Available)
All supplemental resources are NASA accessible only unless otherwise noted.

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Define spectrum management and its importance
  • Describe in general terms the certification of spectrum support and frequency assignment process for NASA space and major terrestrial missions, including:
    • Key spectrum management terminology
    • Roles and responsibilities for NASA missions and NASA spectrum management personnel, and Process timelines