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The Federal Acquisition Certification for Program and Project Managers (FAC-P/PM) program is for acquisition professionals in the Federal Government performing program and project management activities and functions. Program and Project Managers (P/PMs) are critical to project success – including developing accurate government requirements, defining measurable performance standards, and managing life-cycle activities to ensure that intended outcomes are achieved.



In a memorandum dated April 25, 2007, the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) announced a new set of mandatory requirements for program/project manager certification that applies to all civilian agencies. The Federal Acquisition Institute (FAI) then led an interagency working group to develop common, essential competencies for the program and project management community. The resulting Federal Acquisition Certification for Program/Project Managers (FAC-P/PM) outlines the baseline competencies, training, and experience required for program and project managers in the federal government. In response to this OMB policy, NASA developed a program to certify Program/Project Managers (P/PMs) who are currently managing projects with lifecycle costs greater than $250 million as defined in NPR 7120.5E.


Candidates for this certification at NASA are determined by their respective centers according to the types of projects that an individual is overseeing. Individuals overseeing projects that are deemed by their center as high visibility, or over $250 million are put forward to their respective FAC-P/PM Center Review Boards for certification consideration. (NASA only grants FAC-P/PM senior level certifications).