The first wave of updates to the APPEL website are complete—and there’s more in store for 2014.
With the beginning of a new year, the Academy is pleased to share that its website—appel.nasa.gov—has successfully transitioned the new WordPress platform. Beginning in early 2013, several of NASA’s websites, including the Academy’s, underwent a significant transition to update the look, feel, and functionality of its webpages.
Taking the better part of 2013 to complete, the Academy successfully transitioned its several thousand online assets, which included course information, knowledge events, images, training information, and a multitude of stories, to the new platform.
As with any move, some things have changed. Here are a few items the APPEL team would like to highlight:
- Bookmarks: Webpages from the old APPEL website may still be accessible, however they are no longer being maintained. Online bookmarks to the this website may no longer work or link to outdated information. Please update your favorite bookmarks to the current APPEL website.
- Calendar: The APPEL calendar is improved and offers users the ability to sort and view upcoming courses and events by location and date. Included in each entry is a wealth of information to help interested participants get involved.
- APPEL News: With a new blog format, the APPEL team is pleased to provide its stakeholders with “news as it happens” through APPEL News. Updates about courses, training, missions, and research related to program/project management and engineering are provided under this section of the website.
- Hands-On Development Programs: The webpages for Rocket University, the Systems Engineering Leadership Development Program (SELDP), and Project HOPE have been updated to include current participation information, links to resources, and contact information for each program.
- Integrated Social Features: Content on the APPEL website is easily accessed and shared across Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, YouTube, and iTunes U. Connect with APPEL’s various account to get the latest content.
Throughout 2014, the Academy expects to continue improving website user experience with the rollout of new and innovative features. As always, the APPEL team welcomes your feedback and input.
To stay current on APPEL’s activities, please subscribe to the monthly APPEL News Digest.