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Check Out Two New JSC Case Studies

NASA’s modified Boeing 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft with the Space Shuttle Endeavour on top lifts off to begin its ferry flight back to the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

Photo Credit: NASA

Straight wing or delta wing?

Fully reusable or partially reusable?

Lead center management or matrix management?

Get the facts about the decisions that influenced the early design of the space shuttle and its organizational structure and the lessons learned from each. Hear from those who were there: Bob Thompson, George Jeffs, Norm Chaffee, Owen Morris, Tom Moser and others. Those with NASA accreditation can check out two new case studies: The Genesis of the Shuttle: Early Design Development and Organizational Structure at the JSC Knowledge Online (JKO) website. (NASA Only)

Consider what lessons we can take away from this and apply to our own tasks. While you are there please take time to give us your feedback. Also, we would like your suggestions for potential topics. Share your ideas with us! (NASA Only)

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