The APPEL website introduces the first comprehensive source for connecting NASA young professionals with their peers across the agency.
While many NASA centers have groups dedicated to young employees, until now there was no single location where people could find contact information for all of the center professional development groups. The new APPEL Young Professionals page remedies that by offering a one-stop resource with all of the details about how to connect with each group by email, interact with them through social media, or visit their website to find out more about what they’re doing.
Each young professionals group is unique, and the way they operate and the frequency of their interactions varies. But the groups share a commitment to providing a platform for activities that foster professional development and a venue for social networking. Young professionals groups sponsor a variety of activities, among them virtual workshops, “lunch and learn” events, and online discussion forums.
Many believe that sharing knowledge by connecting with colleagues is a critical aspect of working at NASA. The APPEL Young Professionals page ensures developing professionals are better able to connect with peers than ever.
Learn more by visiting the NASA Young Professionals page today.
Lealem Mulugeta performing an EVA at the Mars Desert Research Station in Utah.
Featured photo courtesy of Lealem Mulugeta.