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Presenters Vernell Jackson (left), Systems Resource Manager in the Applied Engineering and Technology Directorate at Goddard Space Fight Center (GSFC), and Cynthia Simmons (center), Associate Division Chief of the GSFC Instrument Systems and Technology Division, talk with Virtual Project Management Challenge moderator Ramien Pierre (right) about how to get a project back on track with schedule and cost. Photo Credit: NASA
Mission Impossible: Getting a Project Back on Track

In a recent Virtual Project Management (PM) Challenge, Cynthia Simmons and Vernell Jackson discussed how they rescued a project that was over budget and behind schedule.

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NASA astronaut Scott Kelly participated in an extra-vehicular activity (EVA) on November 6, 2015, as part of the One Year Mission on the International Space Station. The EVA lasted nearly eight hours. Photo Credit: NASA
One Giant Leap for Human Spaceflight

After spending a year on the International Space Station (ISS), NASA astronaut Scott Kelly believes a long-duration crewed mission to the red planet is possible.

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This image depicts seasonal water flows, known as recurring slope lineae (RSL), on a steep slope of the Valles Marineris on Mars. The presence of water, such as RSL, qualifies a Martian region as "uncertain" or "special," indicting the potential for terrestrial organisms to proliferate. Photo Credit: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona
Mars Special Regions Redefined

NASA’s journey to Mars includes robotic exploration of the red planet as well as eventual crewed missions. For both approaches, planetary protection is a critical issue.

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Project pilot Thomas McMurtry stands in front of the F-8 SCW in 1972. Photo Credit: NASA
This Month in NASA History: The SCW Broke the Transonic Efficiency Barrier

Forty-five years ago this month, the first flight of NASA’s F-8 Supercritical Wing Project marked the start of increased speed and fuel efficiency across the aviation industry.

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STTR Drives Development of Actionable Technologies

A recent National Academies report assessed the Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program, which advances technology through the support of NASA and other federal agencies.

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Despite problems with deployment, the Wake Shield Facility 1 was flown at the end of the shuttle’s Remote Manipulator System (RMS) mechanical arm, where it grew several thin films used to increase the processing speed of advanced electronics. Photo Credit: NASA
This Month in NASA History: An International Partnership Emerged

On February 3, 1994, the first joint U.S.-Russia space shuttle mission lifted off from Kennedy Space Center (KSC) and rocketed toward orbit.

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Composite image of the U.S. from space based on data compiled by the Suomi NPP satellite in April and October 2012. Image Credit: NASA Earth Observatory/NOAA NGDC
Investing in the Future of NASA and the Nation

NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden underscored the intertwined futures of America and its space agency in his State of NASA address on February 9, 2016.

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During EM-1, the SLS will transport 13 CubeSats beyond low Earth orbit in order to conduct science experiments and technology demonstrations that will provide critical information for NASA’s deep space program. Image Credit: NASA
EM-1 Will Advance Low-Cost Deep Space Exploration

When the Space Launch System (SLS) blasts off for the first time in 2018, it will propel science and technology farther along the journey to Mars.

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Sierra Nevada Corporation’s Dream Chaser spacecraft and cargo module, shown here attached to the ISS, will begin transporting cargo to and from the space station as early as 2019. Image Credit: Sierra Nevada Corporation
NASA Expands Transportation Options in LEO

With three new Cargo Resupply Services (CRS) contracts, NASA is reinvigorating support for the International Space Station (ISS) as it maintains a focus on deep space missions.

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