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Message from the Chief Engineer: Technical Authority

ASK OCE — April 4, 2006 — Vol. 1, 1 Issue 7   By Chris Scolese   In this issue we examine some of the highlights of NASA’s past from the Apollo program and the Intelsat I partnership.

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Beyond Boxes and Lines: Organizational DNA

ASK OCE — April 4, 2006 — Vol. 1, 1 Issue 7   When times get tough in a bureaucracy, the first thing to change is often the organizational chart. Titles, divisions, and reporting structures inevitably shift from one box to another.

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Aerospace Titanium Producer May Change Hands

ASK OCE — April 4, 2006 — Vol. 1, 1 Issue 7 The co-owner of Russia’s VSMPO-Avisma, the world’s largest producer of aerospace titanium, has said that he and his partner may sell their shares of the company to Rosoboronexport, Russia’s state-owned arms trading corporation. The move by Rosoboronexport is seen by analysts as part […]

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Science Bookshelf: The Scientific Life

December 22, 2008 Vol. 1, Issue 12   The practice of science has evolved rapidly over the past century, writes Harvard University professor Steven Shapin.

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Washington Roundup

Ask OCE December 21, 2005 Vol. 1, Issue 1   President Bush signed bill H.R. 2862 into law in November, authorizing NASA’s budget of $16.5 billion for Fiscal Year 2006. NASA’s appropriation represents seven-tenths of one percent of the federal budget. The bill includes $4.5 billion for the shuttle, $1.8 billion for the space station, […]

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John Casani on Engineering Memos

Ask OCE — December 21, 2005 — Vol. 1, Issue 1   The advent of email and PowerPoint has, in some respects, eroded our culture of engineering communication.

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Return-to-Flight Task Group Issues Final Report

Ask OCE — December 21, 2005 — Vol. 1, Issue 1   The Return to Flight (RTF) Task Group completed its work in August 2005 with a call for greater organizational and individual accountability within NASA.

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Project Profiles: Fabrication Alliance

Ask OCE — December 21, 2005 — Vol. 1, Issue 1   Cooperation across NASA centers can have a huge effect. NASA’s Fabrication Alliance, which began 10 years ago among four aeronautics centers and now spans all of NASA, has increased manufacturing skill and efficiency at all centers by sharing knowledge and work. How did […]

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The View from Outside: Venus Express

Ask OCE — December 21, 2005 — Vol. 1, Issue 1   The European Space Agency (ESA) launched Venus Express on November 8, 2005 by a Soyuz-Fregat rocket from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazahkstan. The spacecraft is expected to complete its journey of 350 million kilometers in five months, reaching Venus in April. It will […]

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