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NASA Releases Knowledge Policy for Programs and Projects

NASA has a new knowledge policy for programs and projects.

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CKO Corner: JPL Oberhettinger
Knowledge Community Corner: JPL’s David Oberhettinger

David Oberhettinger discusses knowledge management at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

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SELDP Gallery
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OSB II Kennedy Space Center
Masters with Masters: A Special Kennedy Space Center Series

The Academy of Program/Project and Engineering Leadership (APPEL) presents “Masters with Masters,” a series that brings together master practitioners to reflect on their experiences, lessons learned, and thoughts about upcoming challenges.

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Masters with Masters 12: Preview (Jack Boyd & Hans Mark)
Masters with Masters 12 Clip (Jack Boyd and Hans Mark)

Long-time NASA practitioners Jack Boyd and Hans Mark offer their insight on leadership and investing in the next generation.

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Be Curious: IAC Masters with Masters Previe
Dordain on Curiosity

ESA Director General Jean-Jacques Dordain only had one career plan: become an astronaut. While that plan didn’t come to fruition, he’s happy with his backup job.

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NEAR: The First Discovery Mission (Andrew Cheng)
NEAR: The First Discovery Mission

Andrew Cheng, former project scientist for the historic Near-Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) mission, shares the story of the first mission to orbit (and eventually land on) an asteroid.

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What We Know About Knowledge Management
What We Know about Knowledge Management

ASK Magazine Editor Don Cohen discusses the importance of collaboration, communication, trust, and sharing expertise within NASA.

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Mike Lipka
Knowledge Community Corner: NSC’s Mike Lipka

Ask The Academy Vol. 6, Issue 3 Mike Lipka offers insight into the knowledge management services offered by the NASA Safety Center.

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