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This illustration shows a CubeSat scanning and mapping an asteroid. Credit: NASA
Spotlight on Lessons Learned: Open-Source and Commercial Web Software Vulnerabilities

Projects that use commercial web software should take proactive measures to mitigate IT security risks.

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This artist's concept shows a black hole with an accretion disk -- a flat structure of material orbiting the black hole -- and a jet of hot gas, called plasma. Using NASA's NuSTAR space telescope and a fast camera called ULTRACAM on the William Herschel Observatory in La Palma, Spain, scientists have been able to measure the distance that particles in jets travel before they "turn on" and become bright sources of light. Credit: NASA
Podcast Episode 87: NuSTAR

NuSTAR Principal Investigator Fiona Harrison discusses NASA’s Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array.

A group photo of people in white hard hats. Credit: NASA
Critical Knowledge inSight: Focus on People to Prevent Mistakes and Their Consequences

A program/project manager should spend time building relationships and interacting with their team in the work environment.

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This illustration shows the possible surface of TRAPPIST-1f, one of the newly discovered planets in the TRAPPIST-1 system. Scientists using the Spitzer Space Telescope and ground-based telescopes have discovered that there are seven Earth-size planets in the system. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech
Podcast Episode 86: Astrobiology Research Coordination Networks

NASA Astrobiology Program Senior Scientist Mary Voytek discusses Research Coordination Networks.

An artist's concept of a Moon base, depicting two astronauts working on the surface of the Moon with rovers. Earth is in the background. Credit: NASA
Podcast Episode 85: Moon to Mars Habitation

NASA’s Tiffany Nickens discusses habitats being developed for living on the lunar surface and traveling to Mars.

A cratered Moon is pictured in the background. Credit: NASA
Featured Video: 13 Years and More at the Moon

A look at the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter—one of NASA’s most valuable tools for advancing lunar science.

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Pictured here is Vacuum Chamber B in Building 32 of Johnson Space Center. There are multiple stacks of books inside of it. Vacuum Chamber runs were performed on the University of Houston (UH) Clear Lake library book collection to remove water from them. Credit: NASA
May 2022 INSIGHT Now Available

Don’t miss the latest issue of INSIGHT, APPEL Knowledge Services’ online publication featuring our new podcasts, columns, articles, lessons learned and more. We invite you to read it today on our website.

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Here, Canadian Space Agency astronaut Chris Hadfield prepares to set up the ISERV in the Destiny module of the International Space Center. Credit: NASA
Spotlight on Lessons Learned: Program Management of ISERV Design, Development, and Qualification Class D Hardware Integration

Specific events and obstacles encountered during the design and development of the ISERV payload provide the basis of an applicable program management lesson learned.

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Screenshot of Doug Hensch smiling during his interview. Credit: NASA
Critical Knowledge inSight: Building Resilience

A project manager can build resilience skills to perform better on the job.

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