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Virtual Project Management Challenge: The Resilient Project Manager

In this session, we focused on how effective managers achieve their goals even when their projects face ambiguity, volatility and challenges.

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Podcast Episode 08: Engineering NASA’s Science Missions

Joe Gasbarre, NASA Science Mission Directorate Chief Engineer, discusses the engineering side of science missions.

Critical Knowledge inSight: Lessons and Legacies: Space Shuttle Columbia

Reflecting and learning from an accident can be an emotionally painful process, but also extremely important to improving safety in the future.

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Spotlight on Lessons Learned: High Pressure Industrial Water Valve Actuator Assembly Failure
Spotlight on Lessons Learned: High Pressure Industrial Water Valve Actuator Assembly Failure

The failure of a high pressure industrial water valve actuator assembly at a NASA test stand underscored the need for disciplined configuration control practices to ensure facility systems are built and maintained to the specified design.

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Critical Knowledge inSight: Enabling Effective Collaboration

NASA individuals and teams must collaborate effectively to make their missions a success due to the complex nature of their work.

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Spotlight on Lessons Learned: F-18 High Alpha Research Vehicle
Spotlight on Lessons Learned: F-18 High Alpha Research Vehicle

NASA’s High Alpha Technology Program used a highly modified F-18 airframe as its focal point and captured important lessons on improving high angle-of-attack capabilities.

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Critical Knowledge inSight: Lessons & Legacies: Apollo 1

The Apollo Program and the Apollo 1 fire led to several lessons that NASA should never forget.

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Spotlight on Lessons Learned: Project Management Lessons Learned on a Fast Track Engine Test
Spotlight on Lessons Learned: Project Management Lessons Learned on a Fast Track Engine Test

Accepting a task to perform a fast-track engine test prior to fully understanding its risks and challenges led to cost and schedule issues.

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Critical Knowledge inSight: Successful Team Behavior
Critical Knowledge inSight: Successful Team Behavior

An example or model of a productive and effective team can help leaders monitor and benchmark their own team’s performance.

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