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Message from the Academy Director: The Conspiracy of Optimism and the Dangers of Pessimism

August 31, 2009 Vol. 2, Issue 8   The traditional tools of project management do not help leaders with one of their most critical jobs: defining reality.

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Academy Brief: The Career Development Framework

August 7, 2008 Vol. 1 Issue 7   The Academy’s four-level career development framework is the basis for determining what training, work assignments, and developmental activities are right for you.

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Interview with George Morrow

By Don Cohen George Morrow is the director of the Flight Projects Directorate at Goddard Space Flight Center, a position he has held since 2007. He began his career at Goddard in 1983 as an engineer working on spacecraft battery systems. Don Cohen spoke with him in his office at Goddard.

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Academy Case Study: The Gravity Probe B Launch Decision

January 9, 2008 Vol. 1, Issue 1   In the summer of 2003, Rex Geveden, Program Manager for Gravity Probe B at Marshall Space Flight Center, was eager to ship the spacecraft to Vandenberg Air Force Base for integration and testing and then launch.

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