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A Good Man Is Hard to Find

By Marty Davis Every project has its stories. The ones we usually want to tell are the outright success stories — but the ones we also need to hear are the “things we did wrong and should have known better.”

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Would You Raise Your Hand?

By Dr. Owen Gadeken The scene was all too familiar to me: a new leader with a new project. Gone were my days as a manager on Air Force missile development projects.

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Class Act

By Tom Young In 1971, I was working on the Viking program when my center director, Ed Cortright, recommended that I accept an offer to become an MIT Sloan Fellow.

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Management as Improvisation

By Dr. Alexander Laufer Things are supposed to work a certain way — and then there’s what really happens.

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From the APPEL Director: Surf’s Up

By Ed Hoffman Saturday morning and I could be at the gym, doing something healthy. Instead, I’m sweating away as I perform surgery on my Dell computer.

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In This Issue: One-of-a-Kind, Two Ways

By Todd Post Though each issue of ASK Magazine addresses the concerns of project management, this issue, like all previous issues, is a one-of-a-kind product filled with the unique and often innovative insights of individual project practitioners.

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ASK Talks with Donald Margolies

Since 1963, Donald Margolies has served in a number of management positions at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, and in 1998 received NASA’s Outstanding Leadership Medal.

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Lessons from the Dark Side

By Jerry Madden From Jerry Madden’s “100 Lessons Learned for Project Managers” “Not all successful managers are competent and not all failed managers are incompetent,” reads Jerry Madden’s lesson #21.

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Requirements: The More the Better?

By Terry Little For as long as I can remember, we in the Department of Defense have based our development programs on user requirements.

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