Hector Delgado How do you reallocate funds without people feeling like you’re taking away “their money”?

Michael C. Jansen Judging by my conversations with peers in the industry, it is striking how many engineers grew into their professions by tinkering with junk in their families’ garages.
Roy Malone My new job looked great on paper, head of Logistics Services at Marshall Space Flight Center, but I had to wonder when I arrived did they expect me to manage an office or perform miracle cures?

Joan Salute Like most of us, I’ve had to think hard about what makes for a successful project manager. Haven’t we all read, or written out for colleagues, lists of requirements? I bet we can recite them in our sleep.

By Todd Post Mention status quo in a room full of project managers and you’re likely to see a few people wincing. Note that no one yet is talking about a particular policy or regulation. It’s just the word status quo itself and all that it connotes that turns the mood sour.
By Ed Hoffman One of my favorite lines from literature is, “I would prefer not.”

Since joining the agency in August 1990, Tim Flores has spent the better part of his career at the Ames Research Center in Northern California.
By Oscar Toledo Background At times we become so involved in a project that we forget about the customer. What the customer requires, needs, and expects of us should always be the driving force behind our efforts.