By the time I joined the team, the ACEO had already established several unique tools with which to develop meaningful summaries…
I had never thought of myself as a thief, but there I was, peering at stuff that clearly wasn’t mine and quietly slipping it into my “toolbox” for my own personal use.
In recent years, more and more leaders of private and public organizations alike have realized that knowledge is the chief asset of organizations and the key to maintaining a sustainable and competitive advantage.
The soul never thinks without a picture —Aristotle
Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal —T.S. Eliot
The Space Shuttle was developed in the 1970s using technology
that was quite advanced for its time, including fly-by-wire components
and multiple computer screens in the cockpit.
If you could see the road ahead, you might just pass up a fantastic opportunity because you’re blinded by the potential pitfalls.