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The CK Gateway is a portal connecting the NASA community to a vast array of NASA video-based lessons learned resources and serving as an index to broadly applicable lessons learned that enable mission success.
Introducing the Gateway to Critical Knowledge

NASA Chief Knowledge Officer Ed Hoffman announces the implementation of the Critical Knowledge (CK) Gateway.

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Artist's conception of Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS). Image Credit: NASA
My Best Mistake: Daniel Andrews’s “Too Good To Be True”

As project manager of the Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) Mission to the moon, I (re)learned the hard way that nothing comes for free.

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Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong, the first man to set foot on the moon during the historic Apollo 11 space mission in July 1969, served for seven years as a research pilot at the NACA-NASA High-Speed Flight Station, now the Armstrong Flight Research Center, at Edwards, California, before he entered the space program. Armstrong is pictured here on an early simulator, dated October 8, 1956. Photo Credit: NASA
Game On For Knowledge

In the movie Edge of Tomorrow, Tom Cruise’s character is stuck in a time loop, which—after his violent death by earth-ravaging aliens—returns him to yesterday only to fight another day until he dies again.

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First meeting of the Federal Knowledge Management Community in 2015. Image Credit: NASA/Mark Schwartz
First Meeting of Federal Knowledge Management Community in 2015

On Friday, January 23, the Federal Knowledge Management Community will be hosted by the Department of Homeland Security.

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Mike Ciannilli, NASA Test Director, and Jon Cowart, NASA Commercial Crew, during the 23rd Masters with Masters in the video interview series. Photo Credit: NASA
To Long for the Endless Immensity of the Sea

NASA CKO Ed Hoffman sat down with two master practitioners, with over a half century of experience between them, in this edition of Masters with Masters.

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Ed Hoffman
Sharing at Knowledge 2020 Conference, Practitioners Learn from the Past and the Present to Focus on the Future

Knowledge 2020 gathered together some of the best practitioners of knowledge sharing from within NASA, other organizations, and private industry leaders.

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Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) and Ed Rogers, GSFC Chief Knowledge Officer. Photo Credit: NASA
Knowledge Community Corner: Ed Rogers Interview

Ed Rogers, Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO) at Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) discusses knowledge management and services, emphasizing how knowledge functions will have to change in the near future.

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The United Launch Alliance Delta IV Heavy rocket, with NASA’s Orion spacecraft mounted atop, lifts off from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station's Space Launch Complex 37 at at 7:05 a.m. EST, Friday, Dec. 5, 2014, in Florida. The Orion spacecraft will orbit Earth twice, reaching an altitude of approximately 3,600 miles above Earth before landing in the Pacific Ocean. No one is aboard Orion for this flight test, but the spacecraft is designed to allow us to journey to destinations never before visited by humans, including an asteroid and Mars. Photo Credit: NASA
The First Steps to Innovation

This month, Esquire—the octogenarian magazine that has spent much of its years reporting on the bar, bedroom, and bathroom—describes a near disaster on the International Space Station (ISS).

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NSC Process Improvement and Implementation Manager Mark George teaches a class on Root Cause Analysis for mishap investigators. Photo Credit: US Navy
Closing the Gap of Knowledge Walking Out the Door

Between 2011 and 2014, the Safety and Mission Assurance (SMA) community has seen an 11 percent net reduction in its workforce — more than twice the five percent agency-wide average.  

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