Patrick Johnson discusses knowledge sharing in the Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate.
Patrick Johnson discusses knowledge sharing in the Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate.
Ask the Academy Vol. 5, Issue 11 Langley Research Center’s Manjula Ambur shares her insights about knowledge management at her center.
Irene Kaye discusses knowledge management at Johnson Space Center.
Ed Rogers, Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO) at Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) discusses knowledge management and services, emphasizing how knowledge functions will have to change in the near future.
David Oberhettinger discusses knowledge management at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Ask The Academy Vol. 6, Issue 3 Mike Lipka offers insight into the knowledge management services offered by the NASA Safety Center.
Ask the Academy Vol. 6, Issue 2 Jean Engle and Brent Fontenot discuss knowledge management at Johnson Space Center.
Ask the Academy Vol. 6, Issue 1 Susan Minor shares her insights about knowledge management practices within the Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate.
Ask the Academy Vol. 5, Issue 12 John Stealey shares his insights about knowledge management at Stennis Space Center.