Patrick Murphy discusses knowledge sharing in NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate.
Patrick Murphy discusses knowledge sharing in NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate.
One major element of NASA’s return to the Moon is improved autonomous Guidance, Navigation, and Control systems. NASA EDGE takes a close look at NASA Langley Research Center’s development of Navigation Doppler Lidar (NDL) to provide accurate, surface-relative altitude and vector velocity data to make sure NASA can land spacecraft safely on the Moon and any surface.
Monsi Roman, NASA Centennial Challenges Program Manager, discusses the agency’s flagship prizes and competition program.
Monsi Roman, NASA Centennial Challenges Program Manager, discusses the agency’s flagship prizes and competition program.
Saturn’s largest moon holds vast oceans, organic chemistry.
The interagency Science and Technology (S&T) Partnership Forum was established in 2015. It is a strategic forum established to identify synergistic efforts and technologies in order to leverage those synergies and influence portfolios across space agencies in areas deemed pervasive and ready for collaboration.
Each issue of Technology Innovation features space technology innovators and project developments across NASA, highlighting the American inventors, entrepreneurs, and application engineers who have transformed space exploration technologies into products that benefit the Nation.
The purpose of The Concept is to provide information of interest to our NASA SBIR/STTR awardees, small business concerns, and university and high-tech industrial communities. The newsletter includes NASA SBIR/STTR news, events, informative articles and contact information for general program inquiries, as well as pointers to Web sites for the latest technical information on NASA […]
The NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) seeks innovative, technically credible advanced concepts that could one day change the possible in aeronautics and space. The annual NIAC Symposium features progress presentations from new Phase I Fellows and current Phase II and Phase III Fellows. The portfolio of NIAC studies addresses diverse research areas, including: Revolutionary Exploration […]