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NASA Patent Portfolio

NASA maintains a portfolio of patents with commercial potential and makes them available to the public through our patent licensing program.

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Remote Sensing Toolkit

NASA’s Technology Transfer program has created an online resource to promote commercial use of remote-sensing data and the software tools needed to work with it. With the Remote Sensing Toolkit, users will now be able to find, analyze and utilize the most relevant data for their research, business projects or conservation efforts.

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NASA Advisory Council Technology, Innovation and Engineering (TI&E) Committee

The Technology, Innovation and Engineering Committee is a standing committee of the NASA Advisory Council (NAC) supporting the advisory needs of the NASA administrator, the Office of the Chief Technologist, and NASA Mission Directorates. The scope of the Committee includes all NASA programs that could benefit from technology research and innovation.

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Small Spacecraft Virtual Institute

The mission of the Small Spacecraft Systems Virtual Institute (S3VI) is to advance the field of small spacecraft systems and allied sciences by promoting innovation, exploring new concepts, identifying emerging technology opportunities, and establishing effective conduits for collaboration and the dissemination of research results relevant to small spacecraft systems and subsystems.

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Space Technology Industry-Government-University Roundtable (STIGUR)

The NRC Space Technology Industry-Government-University Roundtable (STIGUR) convenes senior-most representatives from industry, universities, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and other government agencies to define and explore critical issues related to NASA’s space technology research agenda that are of shared interest; to frame systems-level research issues; and to explore options for public-private partnerships. This […]

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Podcast Episode 24: TechPort

NASA TechPort’s Patrick Murphy and Ryan Miller discuss how technologists and innovators can use the tool to exchange ideas for groundbreaking solutions.

LOFTID pack and deployment testing started with a load test to verify that the heat shield will perform as expected in flight under real-life conditions. Credit: NASA
Inflatable Decelerator Could Unlock Larger Missions to Mars

New technology, set for major test in 2022, might hold one of the keys to a crewed mission to Mars.

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