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Eighth Forum of Master Project Managers

Masters Forum #8, held February 9-11, 2004, featured a Keynote Address entitled “Sources of Power in Project Management: Criticality of the Partnership with Systems Engineering” by Gerry Murphy, President, Design Net Engineering.

After the opening dinner, Dr. Gary Schuman, a coaching expert from CDL Consulting, facilitated a group activity entitled Leadership and the Art of Coaching.

Jim Barrowman, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (Retired) moderated a panel on the topic Managing Software Projects Speakers included:

Harvey Schabes, NASA Glenn Research Center, moderated a debate on the subject Intrinsic vs Extrinsic Motivation:

Scott Tibbitts, Starsys Research, moderated a panel on The CAIB Report: Personal Reflection and Individual Changed Behavior. NASA presenters shared their individual changes in thinking and behavior in their own projects as a result of reflecting on the CAIB Report. The presenters were David Collins from the NASA Kennedy Space Center and Tom Gavin and Michael Hecht from the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

A panel entitled Project Experiences and Lessons Learned was moderated by Ivan Somers, Hughes Aircraft (Retired). Presenters included:

  • Topic: SAMS-II: Decimation of a Project — Tom Sutliff, NASA Glenn Research Center
  • Topic: Personalities and Communication in the Work Place — Doug Drewry, NASA Johnson Space Center
  • Topic: Musings of a Project Manager — Marty Davis, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Additional presentations:

  • Topic: Essential, Timeless Project Principles — Tony Spear, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Retired)
  • Topic: What’s the Big Idea? Creating and Capitalizing on the Best Management Thinking — Larry Prusak, Babson College