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An artist's concept of a Moon base, depicting two astronauts working on the surface of the Moon with rovers. Earth is in the background. Credit: NASA
Podcast Episode 85: Moon to Mars Habitation

NASA’s Tiffany Nickens discusses habitats being developed for living on the lunar surface and traveling to Mars.

View of the Zakim bridge and Charlestown. Credit: Datawheel LLC
Podcast Episode 89: The Big Dig

Boston University Assistant Professor Virginia Greiman discusses enduring lessons from the largest, most technically challenging highway project in U.S. history.

Screen shot of Kevin Rivers smiling and looking at the camera. Credit: NASA
Critical Knowledge inSight: The Importance of Resilience for Project Managers

A resilient project manager stays flexible and open to making changes when adversity or opportunities affect a project.

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From the Academy Director: NASA’s Knowledge Imperative

By Ed Hoffman Like all large, knowledge-intensive organizations, NASA faces continuous challenges identifying, capturing, and sharing what it knows effectively.

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Robonaut and a spacesuit-gloved hand are extended toward each other to demonstrate the collaboration between robots and humans in space.
Message from the Director: NASA’s Knowledge Imperative

March 28, 2012 Vol. 5, Issue 3   Like all large, knowledge-intensive organizations, NASA faces continuous challenges identifying, capturing, and sharing what it knows.

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APPEL KS Unveils New Resource for Technical Workforce

Knowledge Inventory contains valuable links to key information.

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We invite you to browse all publications released by APPEL Knowledge Services: Annual Publications APPEL Knowledge Services INSIGHT INSIGHT By Month APPEL News ASK the Academy ASK OCE ASK Magazine Authors Index CKO News Critical Knowledge inSight Knowledge Community Corner My Best Mistake NASA Knowledge Journal

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Critical Knowledge

Explore some of the Critical Knowledge NASA has gathered during decades at the forefront of space exploration and aeronautics research—knowledge so valuable that the agency maintains it for the benefit of future generations of the technical workforce.   INSIGHT Publication A monthly publication of INSIGHT is released by NASA’s APPEL Knowledge Services. INSIGHT features articles […]

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