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STI Knowledge Services Lead Karen Fallon. Photo Credit: NASA
Knowledge Community Corner: STI’s Karen Fallon

Karen Fallon discusses knowledge sharing in NASA’s Scientific and Technical Information Program Office.

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NASA STMD Knowledge Services Lead Trina Chytka. Photo Credit: NASA
Knowledge Community Corner: STMD’s Trina Chytka

Trina Chytka discusses knowledge sharing in NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate.

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VPMC Aspire Higher
Aspire Higher: SE Development at NASA

How can engineers hone their leadership and technical skills to enhance mission success? A recent NASA Virtual Project Management (PM) Challenge offered answers. 

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NASA’s Knowledge Imperative

By Ed Hoffman Like all large, knowledge-intensive organizations, NASA faces continuous challenges identifying, capturing, and sharing what it knows effectively. Knowledge is the coin of the realm at NASA. Need to understand something about engine cutoff sensors, the physiological impact of extended stays in low-Earth orbit, or how to drive a rover on Mars? That […]

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NASA’s John Hamley (left) and Vince Bilardo.
Critical Knowledge inSight: Lessons from Complex Partnerships

Carefully designing a customer-facing management organization can build strong working relationships that help complex missions and programs succeed.

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Knowledge Journal Issue 2: On the Back Cover
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The GIDEP Logo–Government-Industry Data Exchange Program. Credit: GIDEP
Spotlight on Lessons Learned: Improved Operations and Backlog Management of NANADARTS at GRC

Increased awareness and improved processes helped to quickly eliminate a massive backlog of NANADARTS documents.

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Podcast Episode 67: Quiet Supersonic Mission
Podcast Episode 67: Quiet Supersonic Mission

NASA Low Boom Flight Demonstrator Deputy Project Manager Cathy Bahm discusses the X-59 quiet supersonic research mission.

Podcast Episode 22: Reflections on Columbia

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Chief Knowledge Officer Ed Rogers discusses the complex human elements involved in disasters such as the Space Shuttle Columbia accident.
