Critical Knowledge Insight
Scientists and engineers busy at work on their projects struggle to find time to make the invaluable contribution of sharing discoveries and new technology.
In the video above, please reference 11:28 –15:27 for insights on when you should share what you have learned from your project. In this segment from Masters with Masters 28, Carol Ginty, Project Manager, Evolvable Cryogenics (eCryo) Project, Space Technology Project Office, explains her ideas on pushing new discoveries and technology to the public.
A lot of new technology and discoveries come from the work done on projects. To make this new technology known, project members must network with the colleagues in their field who would be interested in its application by holding workshops, attending conferences and publishing research to get the technology to the field where it will be utilized.
Related Resources:
APPEL Course: Creativity and Innovation
ASK Magazine Article on Pushing New Technology to the Public
Full Video of Masters with Masters 28 Masters (Carol Ginty and Susan Motil)
NASA Lessons Learned Database Search on Technology Transfer
NASA Technology Transfer Program
NASA Spinoff YouTube Video Series Highlighting Technology Transfer
Critical Knowledge inSight is a new series of articles highlighting information to help practitioners identify and overcome obstacles that interfere with mission success. Each article focuses on a critical knowledge topic and features knowledge insight through a short video clip with subject matter experts sharing information needed to solve problems and drive innovation. Articles include a brief summary of key learning points gleaned from the expert’s insight along with related resources, such as case studies, courses and lessons learned, to further explore the topic and provide you with quick-hitting, targeted learning to enhance your knowledge base.