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Knowledge to Talent Article in July issue of T + D Magazine

The maiden launch of space shuttle Challenger, which carried the first TDRS satellite to orbit.

Photo Credit: NASA

NASA CKO address in professional publication the core issues of critical knowledge.

Where do highly technical organizations record and share their most critical knowledge?

Where do highly technical organizations go to find what they do not know in order to be the best organizations they can be?

These questions are at the heart of an article by Drs. Ed Hoffman and Jon Boyle in the July 2014 issue of T+D Magazine, the award-winning, sixty-five-year-old magazine of ASTD (American Society of Training and Development), which has led the evolution in training and development. This article from NASA’s Office of the Chief Knowledge Officer team appears at an auspicious time for the magazine as ASTD is now transitioning to become ATD, Association of Talent Development.  To read the article and learn more about how training and knowledge transforms into talent management, please click on the link to the article, Managing Mission Knowledge at NASA.

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