NASA Intern Nick Syracuse discusses his virtual internship experiences.
Potential modeling inaccuracy may be avoided in thermal vacuum tests by using heater plates instead of quartz lamps.
Carefully designing a customer-facing management organization can build strong working relationships that help complex missions and programs succeed.
NASA Space Communications and Navigation Chief Engineer Neil Mallik discusses how SCaN keeps the universe connected.
Sharing Knowledge and Leadership Insights to Support Project Success
OSIRIS-REx Principal Investigator Dante Lauretta discusses the NASA mission to near-Earth asteroid Bennu.
NASA’s Laser Communications Relay Demonstration Principal Investigator Dave Israel discusses the dynamic power of laser communications technologies.
From artificial intelligence and people analytics to machine learning and an innovation dream zone, digital transformation is redefining NASA knowledge sharing methods and tools.
NASA’s Nettie Roozeboom discusses a new state-of-the-art technique to measure unsteady aerodynamics using pressure-sensitive paint.