C 2.0 Human Capital Management
C 2.0 Human Capital Management
Managing all team personnel elements to achieve a coherent, efficient, and effective project team including identifying, recruiting, selecting, managing, and evaluating team members.
Select a competency from the outline menu or scroll down the page.
Categories and Competencies
Common Competencies
C 2.1 Staffing and Performance
Managing all elements of personnel management, including identifying, recruiting, selecting, managing, and evaluating the team members to achieve a coherent, efficient, and effective team. This includes vigorous open communications, decision-making processes, and working relationships.
Underlying Skills
- Ethics
- Leadership
- Strategic thinking
- Win-win negotiations
- Working in teams
Fundamental Knowledge of:
- Agency and project mission, goals, and objectives
- NASA and contractor workforce policies and practices
- Project architectures and concepts
- Political, economic, and other factors that influence project goals
Explore proficiencies for each role.
Team Practitioner / Discipline EngineerParticipates as a project team member to gain an overall understanding of the staffing and performance activities and to gain initial experience in the competency.
Team Practitioners/Discipline Engineers should be able to describe, identify, or define:
- The roles and responsibilities of team members.
- How they can monitor their own performance level.
Team Lead / Subsystem Lead
Proficiency Level
- Leads teams (intact and at a subsystem level) in the execution of staffing and performance activities.
- Provides guidance and expertise to team members, assisting in resolving issues.
Team Leads/Subsystem Leads should be able to:
- Define team members’ roles and responsibilities.
- Monitor the performance of subsystem team members.
- Apply appropriate team management techniques and concepts to guide a qualified team toward maintaining the desired performance level for a subsystem or simple project.
Project Manager / Project Systems Engineer
Proficiency Level
- Leads teams at the project level in the execution of the staffing and performance activities.
- Provides guidance and expertise at the project level, resolving project issues.
Project Managers/Project Systems Engineers should be able to:
- Integrate the team responsibilities and roles for each member.
- Monitor the performance of subsystem leads.
- Assemble teams with complementary talents and necessary skills, expertise, and experiences.
- Establish the desired performance level and criteria of the system’s workforce.
Program Manager / Chief Engineer
Proficiency Level
Leads overall effort, reviews and approves products, resolves issues, and maintains relationships with the highest level internal, external, and international contacts.
Program Managers/Chief Engineers should be able to:
- Identify and assemble the required leadership personnel resources for a program.
- Establish performance criteria for a program’s workforce to ensure mission success.
- Establish the agency’s workforce personnel and infrastructure requirements to ensure mission success.
C 2.2 Team Dynamics and Management
Managing the team aspects of the workforce. This requires working cooperatively with diverse team members; designing, facilitating, and managing team processes; developing and implementing strategies to promote team morale and productivity; motivating and rewarding team members’ performance; managing relationships among team members, customers, stakeholders, and partners; and facilitating brainstorming sessions, conflict resolution, negotiation and problem-solving, communication, collaboration, integration, and team meetings.
Underlying Skills
- Clear communications
- Interpersonal
- Leadership
- Strategic thinking
- Win-win negotiations
- Working in teams
Fundamental Knowledge of:
- Project mission, goals, and objectives
- Project organization and team makeup
- Political, economic, and other factors that influence project goals
Explore proficiencies for each role.
Team Practitioner / Discipline EngineerParticipates as a project team member to gain an overall understanding of aspects of team dynamics and management and to gain initial experience in the competency.
Team Practitioners/Discipline Engineers should be able to describe, identify, or define:
- The relationship between team members, customers, stakeholders, and partners.
- How to work within the team’s communication, collaboration, and integration dynamics.
Team Lead / Subsystem Lead
Proficiency Level
- Leads teams (intact and at a subsystem level) in team dynamics and management aspects of the project.
- Provides guidance and expertise to team members, assisting in resolving issues.
Team Leads/Subsystem Leads should be able to:
- Apply appropriate team management techniques and concepts to effectively develop and motivate a team.
- Manage the relationships and interfaces among team members and the customers, stakeholders, and partners as they pertain to a subsystem or simple project.
- Plan and facilitate effective team meetings.
Project Manager / Project Systems Engineer
Proficiency Level
- Leads teams at the project level in team dynamics and management aspects of the project.
- Provides guidance and expertise at the project level, resolving project issues.
Project Managers/Project Systems Engineers should be able to:
- Explain the team’s direction and focus in order to maximize mission success.
- Manage the relationships and interfaces among team members and the project’s customers, stakeholders, and partners.
- Create a team environment that fosters opportunities to conduct activities for brainstorming, conflict resolution, negotiation, and problem-solving.
Program Manager / Chief Engineer
Proficiency Level
Leads overall effort, reviews and approves products, resolves issues, and maintains relationships with the highest level of internal, external, and international contacts.
Program Managers/Chief Engineers should be able to:
- Establish an incentive program to enhance the performance and productivity of the program’s workforce teams.
- Develop and maintain positive relationships among the program’s leadership team to ensure mission success.
- Identify and manage the interfaces and relationships among the stakeholders and partners that may impact program and mission success.
- Plan and facilitate effective leadership team meetings for the program.