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The Knowledge Notebook by Laurence Prusak
The Knowledge Notebook: The Burden of Knowledge

By Laurence Prusak Who was the last person who knew everything? That’s right, there was a time when this was a legitimate question for pundits in Europe and the early American republic.

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Ceramic fuel cells coated with special inks are at the core of the Bloom Energy Server.
Delivering Clean, Affordable Power

By Bo Schwerin   Imagine you are about to be dropped in the middle of a remote, inhospitable region—say the Kalahari Desert.

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Simpson’s megaplanets swirl with imagined landmasses.
Exploring Megaplanets

By Don Cohen   Josh Simpson has been creating planets for more than three decades. The cover photo of this issue of ASK shows detail from one of them.

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ASK Interactive
ASK Interactive (ASK 43)

NASA in the News NASA Public Affairs Officer Josh Byerly talked with ground-support personnel and mission officials in Russia and Kazakhstan as they prepared for the landing of Expedition 27 on May 23, 2011.

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The crew mobility chassis prototype being tested at Moses Lake, Wash., as part of a series of tests of lunar surface concepts
On the Cover Issue 42, Spring 2011

A mobility chassis prototype is demonstrated in 2008 as part of a series of tests of lunar surface concepts. This is one prototype of many that are field tested as part of NASA’s ongoing Desert Research and Technology Studies, or Desert RATS. The Desert RATS tests offer a NASA-led team of engineers, astronauts, and scientists […]

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A mock-up of the Orion space capsule heads to its temporary home in a hangar at Langley Research Center.
Permission to Stare—and Learn

By Kerry Ellis   Knowledge obtained from decades of exploration and discovery, in space and here on Earth, would remain unknown if no one learned about it.

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ASK Interactive
ASK Interactive (ASK 42)

NASA in the News A pattern of X-ray “stripes” in the remains of the Tycho supernova, discovered after long observation with NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, may provide the first direct evidence that a cosmic event can accelerate particles to energies a hundred times higher than those achieved by the most powerful particle accelerator on Earth, […]

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Astronaut Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin walks on the moon during the Apollo 11 mission. Photo Credit: NASA/Neil Armstrong
Leading the Race to Space

By Piers Bizony   During the space race of the 1960s, NASA Administrator James Webb and his Soviet counterpart, Sergei Korolev, shared the determination and skill needed to push a rocket program past countless political barriers, beyond the reach of jealous rivals, and toward success.

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The Space Exploration Vehicle is pulled over for speeding in a NASA EDGE promo.
NASA EDGE: Providing an Inside and Outside Look at NASA

By Blair Allen   NASA has many outlets for sharing details about what goes on behind its doors, but none so personable as NASA EDGE, a video podcast (or vodcast) that grew out of an idea to be “different … unscripted and unpredictable.”

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