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Creating the Future

By John McCreight Major organizational change—not incremental improvements, but dramatic, sea-change shifts to pursue ambitious new goals and meet major challenges—is hard.

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Ask Interactive 26
ASK Interactive (ASK 26)

The History of NASA Lessons from the past can help solve problems today, and the NASA History Division is a treasure trove of important lessons.

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Ask 26 book
ASK Bookshelf (ASK 26)

Here is a description of a book that we believe will interest ASK readers.

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From the Administrator — The Role of Governance

By Dr. Michael D. Griffin We at NASA have the unique privilege of carrying out an enormously challenging program of exploration and discovery on behalf of the American people.

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The Knowledge Notebook — The Communications Challenge

By Laurence Prusak The complexity of NASA’s projects and the challenge of coordinating and communicating among the centers and organizations that do the work have parallels in enterprises that flourished long before the beginning of the space age.

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In This Issue (ASK 26)

Don Cohen, Managing Editor A casual observer of NASA’s accomplishments from Mercury and Apollo to the Space Shuttle, space telescopes, and interplanetary robotic missions would probably guess that those achievements depended on two things: technical knowledge and money.

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Program and Project Management Improvement Initiatives

By Dr. C. Howard Robins, Jr. The primary factor in project success is the quality of program and project management. Quality begins with excellent human resources, but effective processes are also critical.

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A Common Language for Systems Engineering: NPR 7123.1

By Stephen J. Kapurch Winston Churchill once famously remarked that the United States and Britain are two great countries separated by a common language.

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A Look Under the Hood of NPR 7120.5D

By Mike Blythe NASA’s space flight programs and projects are highly visible national priorities. The Agency’s strategic plan articulates these space flight goals and the timetable for reaching them.

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