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From PowerPoint Slides to Powerful Stories

By Dr. Alexander Laufer An experienced NASA project manager was invited to talk at a Knowledge Sharing (KS) meeting sponsored by the Academy of Program and Project Leadership (APPL).

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From the APPEL Director: My Future Revisited

By Ed Hoffman “And exactly what do you do for me?” asked then NASA Deputy Administrator, Hans Mark.

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In This Issue: How Big Is Your Project World?

By Todd Post How big is your project world? Is it big enough to contain other cultures, headquarters, hierarchies, and weird harpoon-like guns? Sure it is. The great American poet Walt Whitman said it best, “I am large/I contain multitudes.” And so must you, Mr. and Ms. Project Manager.

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ASK Talks with Jerry Madden

How do you like being a reviewer? Does it feel like you’re on the other side of the fence, so to speak?

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Refining Procedures: Calling All Stakeholders

By Ray Morgan Background For the longest time, we were not procedures oriented at AeroVironment. One guy at the top typically wrote flight procedures, and often that guy would leave out a whole bunch of stuff because, after all, he’s just one guy… there were things he didn’t think about.

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The Art of Scheduling

By Terry Little Most managers I know think that constructing a schedule is primarily a technical activity. I have found over the years that creating a realistic schedule for a complex project is mostly an art — one requiring lots of intuition, judgment and guesswork.

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The Hour Glass and the Project Manager Part 2: Improving your Hierarchical IQ

By W. Scott Cameron In Part 1 of this article, I asked you to think of the Project Manager’s (PM’s) job in terms of an hourglass.

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There Are No Mistakes, Only Lessons: The Don Quixote Complex

By Terry Little Prelude to a Mistake I’ve made plenty of mistakes in my career, but the one that I think of as providing the greatest learning opportunities occurred while I was program manager of a large Department of Defense (DoD) project designated by Congress as an acquisition reform program.

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The Lawn Dart

By Michael Jansen The Voodoo Crew It wasn’t too long after I agreed to be the Thermal Integration Manager for the Space Shuttle Advanced Solid Rocket Motor (ASRM) program that I gained an appreciation for why the thermal community was always viewed by the Shuttle Program Office as a group of “out-there” voodoo practitioners.

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