By Ray Morgan The largest of all flying pterodactyls, the Quetzalcoatlus Northropi, had no tail.
By Ray Morgan The largest of all flying pterodactyls, the Quetzalcoatlus Northropi, had no tail.
By Ray Morgan The first solar plane we developed at AeroVironment was named the Gossamer Penguin.
By Ray Morgan One of the great perks I looked forward to when I turned sixteen was being able to give up my paper route and get a regular job.
By Ray Morgan Most program/project and task managers use the Gantt chart format for their graphic display of project plans and actual accomplishments.
By Ray Morgan Nobody wishes for misfortune or accidents, but if you’re not too proud, and you understand that plenty of great developments stem from a botched plan or someone’s initial missteps, you begin to look for growth potential in accidents too.
By Ray Morgan Background For the longest time, we were not procedures oriented at AeroVironment. One guy at the top typically wrote flight procedures, and often that guy would leave out a whole bunch of stuff because, after all, he’s just one guy… there were things he didn’t think about.
By Ray Morgan Before we went to Hawaii to begin flight tests on the Pathfinder solar-powered airplane, we knew we needed the support of the local community there.