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Interview with William Gerstenmaier

  The associate administrator for Space Operations talks about his early NASA experience and the collaborative “miracle” of the International Space Station.

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On the Cover — Issue 38, Spring 2010

This space-station view of Los Angeles was taken by Astronaut Donald Pettit, who lived aboard the International Space Station for five and a half months. The city is defined by yellow-orange, sodium-vapor-lit streets in north-south, east-west grids. In between the main streets it is relatively dark due to the design of street lighting that minimizes […]

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In This Issue by Don Cohen
In This Issue (ASK 38)

Don Cohen, Managing Editor   At the NASA Project Management Challenge in Galveston, Texas, this past February, Jean-Jacques Dordain, director general of the European Space Agency, predicted that global collaboration will define future space exploration.

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The Knowledge Notebook: On Not Going It Alone: No Organization Is an Island

By Laurence Prusak   One of my father’s heroes—and he didn’t have many—was Albert Einstein. He often regaled me with stories of the great physicist.

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From the APPEL Director: Project Management Trends and Future Reality

By Ed Hoffman   Space exploration has always been international. NASA’s first international mission dates back nearly fifty years, and the agency has had more than three thousand agreements with over one hundred countries in its history.

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ASK Interactive
ASK Interactive (ASK 38)

NASA in the News   New observations from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory provide evidence for powerful “winds” blowing away from the vicinity of a supermassive black hole in a nearby galaxy.

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Sharing Knowledge About Knowledge
Sharing Knowledge About Knowledge

By Don Cohen and Matthew Kohut   The Academy’s first Knowledge Forum brought together people from several industries and countries.

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NextGen: Preparing for More Crowded Skies

By Kerry Ellis   NASA is working with other agencies to prepare for ever-increasing air traffic.

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Space Exploration in the 21st Century: Global Opportunities and Challenges

By Jean-Jacques Dordain   The director general of the European Space Agency says the future of space exploration depends on global cooperation.

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