Don Cohen, Managing Editor In “Our Knowledge Legacy,” NASA Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO) Ed Hoffman describes his visit with elementary-school children in Brooklyn, some of whom may become NASA engineers, scientists, or managers decades from now.
Don Cohen, Managing Editor In “Our Knowledge Legacy,” NASA Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO) Ed Hoffman describes his visit with elementary-school children in Brooklyn, some of whom may become NASA engineers, scientists, or managers decades from now.
Above Bear Lake, Alaska, the Northern Lights, or aurora borealis, are created by solar radiation entering the atmosphere at the magnetic poles. The appearance of these lights is just one way solar radiation affects us; it can also interfere with NASA missions in low-Earth orbit. To achieve long-duration human spaceflight missions in deeper space, several NASA centers are working […]
NASA in the News NASA announced a Grand Challenge focused on finding all asteroid threats to human populations and knowing how to deal with them. Grand Challenges are ambitious goals on a national or global scale that capture the imagination and demand advances in innovation and breakthroughs in science and technology. The challenge is […]
By Laurence Prusak Since the Second World War, something like forty-five major idea-movements have swept through both public and private organizations. They include early time-and-motion studies, the quality movement, reengineering, human potential, and many, many others. Some of these movements promulgate genuinely new ideas; some recycle old approaches under new names. I am quite […]
By Ed Hoffman When we’re young, we are excited by our dreams. Our future possibilities seem endless and alluring.